The Elpis Centre
What is "Elpis"?
Elpis is the Greek word for Hope.
It bears the meaning of expectation, trust, and confidence. It comes from the root word elpo, which means to anticipate (with pleasure) and to welcome (Strong's concordance). We believe that when we provide children with a safe environment to grow, we are providing Hope and this will enable them to grow in confidence, ready to face their future.
Our Vision
Every child to eat well, sleep well and learn well in the Love of Christ.
Our Mission
In a developing country, education is a powerful agent of change - it determines the livelihoods, social stability and economic growth of the country.
The Elpis Centre works with early childhood organisations to ensure that every child has access to quality education.
Our mission is pursued through a 3-phase approach:
Exploratory phase - to better understand their current state
Advisory phase - to identify future state and agree upon strategies to get there
Action phase - partner with the local organisations to work on the following areas
Strategic planning
Programme structure and implementation
Teaching and learning environment and resources
Training in holistic development and integrated approach to learning
Our Story
Early Childhood Education is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and is a key component of achieving SDG 4.2:
By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education.
When Eileen was 14 years old, she received a vision from the Lord - an imagery of little children filled with laughter, running around a building near the mountains. Back then, she did not really know what it meant.
Having spent 14 years on the ground in Early Childhood Education, Eileen has grown to realise that her mission in life is to spark transformation wherever she is planted, be it in Singapore or in Cambodia where she volunteers her time and skills working with local schools and orphanages.
As the Head of Quality Assurance and Centre Programming, she is deeply passionate about transforming Centres and she looks forward to the day when all aspects of schools from the teachers, learning environment processes and attitudes are optimal in building a strong foundation in truth, beauty and goodness for all children that comes through her doors.
Realising her need to be ahead of the learning curve of our staff to be an effective agent of change, she's currently pursuing her Masters in Pastoral Studies. She was also previously enrolled with Harvard Graduate School of Education to complete her training on Making Thinking Visible - a pedagogical approach that equips learners to externalise their thinking, promoting engaged, understanding and independent learners.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”